Spring to Life - Growing Wellbeing

Community Wellbeing Projects

Spring to Life - Growing Wellbeing

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Mother Gardens project
The Mother Gardens project emerged out of Food Forest Brum, as a method for local food groups themselves to grow, share and receive plants. Mother Gardens may allocate nursery beds for propogation on their site, or simply dig up and share surplus plants that have spread and multiplied. Therefore any group or individual can sign up as a Mother garden regardless of the level of expertise or time available.
Plants are then shared to groups and individuals in their local areas or with other Mother gardens across the region. The sharing process makes available the range of useful plants to as many people as possible, and enables the building of links and mutual support.  We are also linking up with community seedbanks for the sharing of seeds.

Interactive Map of Mother Gardens across Birmingham.
Our network now spans a wide area in and around Birmingham. A broad range of groups and projects doing inspiring things in their communities have signed up as Mother Gardens. Below is a map of what we currently have in our network. If you wish to be added to the network please get in touch.
Click on the map to find out more. Those on this map are public Mother Gardens. We do not publish details of private gardens. Please note details of those on the map may change from time to time, and we will update where possible.
This map also provides details of other food-based projects, sites and enterprises.
Spring to Life - Growing Wellbeing
Spring to Life - Growing Wellbeing

To get in touch with us, please use the details below or use our online contact form.

07856 277 028

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